Policies, Terms, & Pricing
Refund & Credit Policy
Full refunds will only be issued if Raino Dance cancels a class due to insufficient enrollment. Otherwise, all class fees paid are non-transferrable and non-refundable.
If a student wishes to withdraw from a class they have registered in before it has started, partial refunds will be issued if the student submits a written request via email to info@rainodance.com, no later than 7 days before the start of the class they have enrolled in, stating whether they want a refund or a credit. Raino Dance will either refund the amount paid minus a $35 cancellation fee or transfer the full amount to the student’s account as a credit for future purchases.
In the event that a medical issue such as illness, injury or pregnancy, or a family emergency such as death or extreme illness, prevents a student from continuing in the dance program they have signed up for, the student may request a credit (if fees were paid in full) or a pause (if fees are being paid monthly through automatic payments) by submitting a written request via email to info@rainodance.com. All situations of extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and neither a credit nor pause is guaranteed.
Individual classes missed or cancelled due to circumstances outside the control of Raino Dance (including but not limited to weather, student vacations, global events, etc.) are not the responsibility of Raino Dance and will not be credited nor refunded. Credits held for clients for 3 years.
Payment Policy
Raino Dance does not pro-rate fees for mid-month enrollments in the Full Year Program or for enrollments that occur after a class has started in all other programs.
Full payment is due upon enrollment for drop-ins or classes that don’t fall under the Full Year Program.
All fees are subject to 5% GST.
We recommend paying by credit card through our online portal, which will allow you to create an account and receive important studio updates, update your personal information at any time, view your tuition fees and enroll in classes.
If you cannot pay online or by credit card, please contact the office at info@rainodance.com to arrange post-dated cheques or cash payment. We will not turn away students due to a lack of credit card or Internet access.
If you are having payment difficulties, we want to work with you to resolve the issue! Reach out to the office if something has happened, and let’s figure out a payment plan together.
Insufficient Funds (NSF)
If a cheque bounces or automatic billing fails twice in a row (due to inaccurate information, insufficient funds, etc.), account holders will be charged a $30 fee to cover the failed transaction costs billed to Raino Dance by the bank or payment processor.
If automatic billing is declined a third time or a cheque bounces two months in a row, the account will be suspended and students under that account will not be allowed to attend classed until a valid payment method has been provided
Drop-In Policy
We do not accept drop-ins for our short-term programs. This includes Summer Sweats, 12-week programs and special workshop programming.
We do accept drop-ins for all classes in our Full Year Program, if there is space available, up until Spring Break. After Spring Break, only non-performance classes can accept drop-ins, if there is space available.
Drop-in students cannot perform in the year end show. All students must be enrolled in a performance class in the Full Year Program to perform.
Options for Payment and Registration
Credit card: $25 fee, enroll and pay online, up to 1 hour before class. This enables us to send you the door code for accessing the studio and confirms you've signed off on required waivers.
Cash: $25 fee, register by emailing the office at info@rainodance.com, at least 24 hours before class. Once your space in class is confirmed, we will send you an email with location, protocols and waivers to read through. Please arrive early to sign the waiver.
If you drop in to a class and then enroll in that same class within the week, we will credit the drop-in fee to your account.
Terms For Full Year Program (Options, Fees, Changes, Withdrawals)
Our Full Year Program has been designed to help students achieve a feeling of success and confidence, even if they’ve never danced before.
Over a 10-month period, our professional instructors gradually lead a cohort of dancers through increasingly harder techniques and choreographies. In our experience this commitment honors the rigour of dance training and thus provides results as well as being an investment in one’s overall health and community well-being.
Classes are in session through all statutory holidays, except when the studio closes for a two-week Winter Break and a one-week Spring Break.
Shift workers
If you are a shift worker and won’t be able to regularly attend a weekly class, email us at info@rainodance.com, and we will work with you to figure out an arrangement.
Post-secondary students
If you are a post-secondary student and will be leaving Victoria at the end of April, enroll in the classes of your choice, and then email us at info@rainodance.com to let us know about your situation. We will inform your instructor and turn off automatic billing after your April payment.
Payment options
Fees for classes in the Full Year Program are based on the total number of sessions taking place from September through June.
If you choose to pay these fees by monthly installments, each installment will be automatically billed to your selected payment method. The first payment will include a $25 registration fee and be billed on the date of enrollment. The subsequent monthly payments will be billed on the first of every month, with the final payment on June 1.
If you choose to pay these fees in one lump sum payment, you will receive a 5% discount and your registration fee will be waived. This VALID only if you register in Full Year Program before November 31st. As per the Refund & Credit Policy, these fees are non-refundable — see section above for full details.
For students enrolled in one or more performance classes who choose to perform in the year-end show (performance is not mandatory), there will be a one-time performance fee charged to your account on June 1. We will communicate the cost of this fee in advance.
Inclement weather which causes studio closure or prevents teacher/sub from attending class will be charged as usual in line with University/College settings.
Fees when paid by monthly installments
As per our Payment Policy, all fees are subject to 5% GST.
1 class / wk = $84
2 classes / wk = $145
3 classes / wk = $172
4 classes / wk = $195
5 classes / wk = $222
6+ classes / wk = $250
Changing classes (adding, dropping, switching)
Once enrolled, there is no penalty for changes to class selection.
You can add classes at the beginning of a month through the online portal. (If you add a class mid-month, you will be charged for the full month as we do not pro-rate fees as per our Payment Policy.)
To drop a class, contact the office before the month that you want the change to occur. For example, if you wish to drop a class in November, you must inform the office before October 31.
To switch from one class to another because the schedule or level isn’t working, talk to the instructor for pre-approval, then email the office at info@rainodance.com. Switches can be made at any time.
Placement in a class level is determined by the instructor. If you find that a class you’ve enrolled in is not at the correct skill level, please talk to your instructor first. If it is determined that a class change is needed and/or further options explored, please email the office at info@rainodance.com to adjust your enrollment.
Withdrawing from all classes
If you wish to withdraw from all classes in the Full Year Program you will forfeit one months fees (in which you don’t dance) and you must provide one month’s written notice by emailing the office at info@rainodance.com on or before the first of the month. Why? Our reasonable fees are based on 10 months of commitment in which teachers are employed and the studio is sustained.
For example, if you wish to withdraw from all classes January 1st, you must contact the office by December 1st. December will be your last month of dance and, once January (forfeited month) fees are processed, your subscription will be cancelled.