Flamenco 1
Explore both traditional and contemporary Flamenco dance. Class will explore footwork, braceo (arms), floreo (hands), compas (rhythmn), torso, hips, and vueltas (turns) as you increase the expression of your basics. These levels provide opportunity for breakdown and repetition as the dancer finds their way to an integration of percussive dancing with arm/braceo & hand/floreo articulation. The best part is stepping out of your daily grind into the sensuous, complex and potent culture that is Flamenco...ole!
Flamenco 2 & 3
Intermediate / Advanced
Explore both traditional and contemporary Flamenco dance through: technical aspects of braceo (arms), florea (hands), torso, cadera (hips), turns (vueltas) and percussive elements (feet, palmas, body percussion, pitos); musical interpretation of a diversity of palos (song styles); & tools (shawl, fan, hat, skirt, baston). Amp up the speed and complexity as you integrate the upper and lower body into a tornado of powerful rhythm and sensuality.
2023/24 we will explore jondo (deep song) in the vein of Solea & Solea por Bulerias with baston (stick/cane) to challenge & improve our percussive ability. Fire will be our element - pheonix style - as we process that which needs to be burned away so new seeds can be sown. So looking forward to this piece.
Flamenco Fusion 2 & 3
Intermediate / Advanced
Flamenco program’s founder Monique Salez’s unique contribution to the art form blends the urban, sensual aspects of groove, hiphop and jazz with flamenco to push the limits of the form, create a ruckus and ruffle some feathers just like some of her favorite musical artists Rosalia and Ojos de Brujos who will surely show up on the playlist. Suitable for inter/advance flamenco artists with some experience in other dance forms.
Flamenco Juerga
Intermediate / Advanced
Join our weekly flamenco party for a hint of how the culture of flamenco is a relational interaction of music, guitar, rhythmn & dance. Through palmas (handclapping), cante (song/singing, no need to be singer), cajon and jamming with the feet, we explore flamenco musical theory and its corresponding history to deepen our relationship to this cultural art form & experience how these interpretive skills expand our ability to engage with choreographies as well as play at the protocols of dancing in cuadro (traditional flamenco live performance group). The incredible Jake Lee will join us on guitar & vocals to share his deep knowledge & sweet vibes. Bring shoes, journal, cajon (if you have it) & your fiery heart.
All welcome.

What to Bring
You will need a pair of flamenco shoes. This is a process so you may need to find a pair of second hand shoes/boots with sturdy heels or character shoes if you have them until they arrive. To order we recommend www.flamencowest.com. You will need a black pair for group performance. A lower heel is better. For full details, email us for a detailed shoe document. Besides that, wear clothes to move in and water for hydration.
Note some classes will require flamenco tools: fans, manton’s, bata de cola, etc. and will be sourced accordingly.

Join Our Dance Family
Listen to your bodies longing to move, to express, and to connect with others in the dance.